RWBY Manga chapter 12 story

coverFangs met stone, blades clashed against scales, bullets flew through the air in the canyon that had turned into a battlefield.

This was a battle between hunters and Grimm .

Or hunters in training as it were since team JNPR weren’t fully certified hunters and huntresses yet.

Jaune raced across the edge of an outcropping as he watched his friends fight frantically against this newly formed foe. Heads thrashing wildly and striking with no hesitation, the landscape was quickly reforming just from this new monster’s attacks.

“That tiny thing before, what did it do?” Thought Jaune as he continued along the cliff side. “It jumped into the King Taijitus and now they’re all combined together.”

Then a turn for the worst, Jaune noticed that Pyrrha was caught flatfooted when one of the heads of this new monster thrust out at her.

“PYRRHA!!” Screamed Jaune, able to do nothing to help his partner as his defenseless teammate tried to brace herself from the strike. Only a miracle could save her now.

Suddenly gunshots echoed through the canyon, multiple bullets struck into the face of the attacking head and deflected it from hitting Pyrrha.

And like angels descending from heaven a miracle came. Granted most angels don’t wield scythes, guns, gauntlets or rapiers and aren’t usually as crude in their methods but Jaune wasn’t going to complain.

“Sorry for the wait team JNPR!” Yelled an enthusiastic Ruby. “Team RWBY has arrived!!”

Heroes arriving just in the nick of time and saving their comrade, it was like a scene from a hero manga. At that moment Ruby gave off the aura of a true huntress and a great leader.

“Uwaaa, what the heck is this thing, it’s gross!!” Cried Ruby right after.

And just as quickly lose that aura by sounding like twelve-year-old, it truly was amazing how quickly Ruby is able to go from cool to ditzy.

As if understanding Ruby’s comment about it, or just angry at the newcomers the beast roared and readied itself to attack once more.


A roar echoed through the forest.

It was an unnatural sound.

It was a terrifying sound.

It was a sound that no normal creature on this planet would or should make.

It was the kind of sound that froze one’s blood.

And Cardin Winchester’s blood did freeze, his mace trembling in his hand.

“Huh? … What the hell was that?” He said, sweat rolling down the side of his face.

——————————-Interlude  End——————————–

With Team RWBY now part of the fray, morale definitely took a turn for the better. With renewed vigor team JNPR once again started to combat this giant creature.

“HYAAAAAAAA!!” Cried Yang as she delivered a powerful punch with Ember Celica into the side of a head.

And then proceeded to regret her action as her arm felt the shockwaves of hitting the monster.

“Man, it’s skin is hard!!” Grunted Yang as she pulled back.

Weiss and Pyrrha weren’t faring better, keeping their distance the two kept up a barrage of fire into the head that chased after them.

“How can it be so fast when it’s so big?” Complained Weiss, “and our projectiles have no effect whatsoever!”

No truer word had ever been spoken, flies would have been more effective than their attacks. The dust projectiles and bullets from Weiss and Pyrrha bounce harmlessly off the snake-like creature’s hardened skin.

Flies at least could possibly distract it by being annoying.

Nora now tried her hand, “HEAVE” yelled the enthusiastic young girl, “HO!!!!”

Smashing her massive Magnhild into the top of one of the heads, it was sure to do something right?

Well, it did stop the head from moving.

For about 10 milliseconds.

The head turned its eyes towards Nora, its focus now solely on her.


Nora didn’t even have time to finish her sentence as the head shot her straight into the air.

This was bad, being so high up she would have far fewer options if a follow-up attack was to come. Thankfully the signature ribbon of Gambol Shroud wrapped itself around Nora’s leg and pulled her back to the ground.

“Thank you~~!!” Said Nora as she gracefully landed next to Blake.

“An eight headed snake, almost feel like we’re in a fairy tale.” Said Blake casually. “First off we have to stop it from moving.”

Easier said than done, with none of their attacks really having an effect such a plan was just a hope at this point.

Then a red blur flashed across one of the necks of the snake monster.

A blur of red and black, cloak fluttered and danced through the air, Crescent Rose slashed and carved at the monster. Yet the most Ruby could do was stall and distract the thing.

‘Its strength, power, speed and defense, none of it is normal,’ thought Ruby, ‘We can’t even attack them separately!’


A yell broke Ruby from her musing. As she looked towards the source of the call she saw Jaune running towards her and the head she was currently fighting.

“Jaune!?” Cried Ruby.

“The core! There’s something that is attaching all of them together!” Yelled Jaune desperately.

“I saw a strange small thing tha …”

Unfortunately, Jaune couldn’t finish his thought as a head came rushing towards him from his right.

“Uwaaa, GOD DAMMIT!!!!”

Twisting his body and putting all the strength into his arms he swung his sword at the charging head.

Thankfully the dodge parry combo worked and he was able to just barely avoid the attack. Unfortunately, by doing so he realized too late that it pushed him over the cliff edge.

And he hasn’t gotten to the landing strategy part of his lessons with Pyrrha yet … crap.

Once again he felt the familiar sensation of falling, but once again he was saved from being a bloody stain on the ground by Pyrrha.

“Pyrrha!?” Said Jaune surprisingly.

Carrying Jaune bridal style Pyrrha looked proudly and happily at her teammate.

“Great job noticing such a thing Jaune!” Said Pyrrha enthusiastically.

“Darn it, why does it always end up this way!” Cried Jaune incredulously.

Despite the funny scene below her Ruby noticed something in the tangle that was the center of the 8 snake heads, 6 glowing orbs permeated from the shadows of the monster.


I had fun writing this, don’t know if I’ll continue it indefinitely though, and yes I took down all previous manga chapters like I said I would.

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